30 Mar '04 - + 66 - 60 Let the games begin!

There's so much to discuss. Not least is the fact that I actually got Greymatter running on a Windows server on which I don't have control over the permissions. This is a feat that can only be appreciated by those who share my experience. Let's just say that working with an IIS-based ISP to try and get a perl-based web app running is not the smoothest-running plan I've ever conceived.
Next up, I'll be trying to add a real ticker to the site. Those of you who pay attention may have noticed that the one on my main site is not only boring but also sadly out of date. Apparently free headlines aren't worth what you pay for them - the newest headline I've seen so far is from last offseason. For those of you curious about the top five headlines from six months ago, I heartily recommend newsclicker.com's free hockey ticker. Oh, and don't mind those pop-unders.